Monday, October 4, 2010

Niners Can't Catch the Falcons

Game Four of the regular season, and the San Francisco 49ers go to Atlanta to play the Falcons. The Niners fans are as hopeful as they can get with a 0-3 start for the regular season. The Niners excite everyone coming out the gates strong. The Niners start the game with a forced 3-and-out for the Falcons offense. The Niners take their opening drive and go play-after-play moving downfield taking some risks, getting close calls. By the end of the first quarter the Niners come out with a few crucial plays and a 14-0 lead. In the second quarter, the Falcons score within the first few minutes. This doesn't worry the Niners too much because they will be able to get the ball back and restore their lead. To the contrary, the Niners traded possessions several times before anything actually happened. A few punts and interceptions later, the Falcons drive down the field and kick a field goal shortening the Niners' lead to 14-10, with less than 2 minutes left in the first half.

With the second half coming up, the Niners have to make adjustments and find a way to slow down the Falcons offensive front and stop the defense all together. However, the Niners don't even score the rest of the game and the Falcons beat them scoring two more field goal. The last one, was the game-winning kick with 2 seconds left in the game. The Niners, frustrated, also disappoint their fans whom have to go home with their heads hung and a 0-4 record.

1 comment:

  1. I like these posts best when you write in some commentary about the team or the players. Most of the time the paragraphs are too long. Think about how the blog looks as well as how it reads. Why are all the photos at the bottom? Why no links to other sites or stories. Generally, the site needs more attention to detail. Writing does get better with each post. 43/50 B
