Sunday, October 3, 2010

Raiders Lose Versus Texans

Another tough game for the Raiders... Not even the fans were into it. Only This time it was against the Houston Texans and they brought their "A" game this week. All last week, the Raiders' coaching staff focused on two things: running the ball and stopping the run. The Raiders didn't do either very well on Sunday, and let the Texans control the game and come out with a 31-24 victory. This loss gave them a 1-3 record, putting them into last place in the AFC West.

"The game was won and lost on the line of scrimmage," Raiders coach Tom Cable said. "They came in here and did exactly what they've tried to all year, and that's establish their run game. They did a good job of it. We never seemed to get a handle on it or slow it down. "... We got whipped on the line of scrimmage. That's the bottom line."

"It's a shock to me," Defensive Lineman Tommy Kelly said. "I thought we would handle it better. As a defense, we got to play better. I got to play better. Everybody has to play better. Nobody can say anything after someone runs for 200 yards, in your house, without their best player, basically."

These men both had trouble trying to help the team prevent a loss. The Raiders definitely need to step it up if they want to have a successful season as they confidently predicted earlier this year. Hopefully the Raiders can put together a successful strategy and execute on the field so the coaching staff, players, and fans may be able to enjoy the 2010 Raiders season.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that you did a really good job explaining what happened in the game. In addition, you were effective in putting in your opinion. I think that is good because one an compare their view with yours. Finally, I like the way you used quotes to bring in the opinions of others so everything is not just one-sided. Something I feel you can improve on is grammar. You have some capitalization errors and if you reword some of the sentences, your writing will be a lot more effective.
